A few years ago, social media sites emerged as mediums for sharing special events with friends and family and helped people to stay in touch with each other. In those days, these sites were more like personal sites. But now, the social media sites have undergone a transformation and they have established themselves as the most powerful strategy online business.
The social media sites are constantly expanding with already 850 million users of Facebook per month and 500 million users of Google+. We have reached the last quarter of 2013 now and saw several significant changes in the social media marketing strategies. In the process of trying to keep up with these changes, we have learnt a number of effective social media marketing techniques.
Here are enlisted some of the most effective techniques for social media marketing which should be used in 2013.
Social media marketing grows with each year. You need to cope with the changing trends to keep up your business with the changes. The year 2013 has seen the above mentioned trends in social media marketing strategies. Following these techniques would help your business to be ahead of your competitors.
Summary: Social media marketing strategies are subjected to many changes with the changing time. It is important for businesses to follow the updated techniques to stand out of the crowd.
About The Author: Myke Thomas is a proficient writer. His articles are highly informative and useful for the readers.
Did you find this article helpful? Please let Myke and myself know by leaving us your valued comments in the comments section below.
Would you like to guest post on the blog? Please use the Contact tab above to get in touch if you write business-related articles or articles on the topics of Internet Marketing, Affiliate Marketing, Social Media Marketing/Optimisation (SMO), Blogging, Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) or Search Engine Marketing (SEM).
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Building Your Business With Social Media
The 10 Basic Rules Of Social Media Marketing
Top 14 Benefits Of Social Media Marketing
How To Use Facebook For Your Small Business
9 Tips For More Effective Facebook Marketing
For more business tips plus helpful articles on marketing your business on social media, use the following links:
If you found this or any of my other posts helpful, don't forget to share the posts to your favourite networks using the toolbar below or by using the "+1" and "Share" buttons located at the bottom of each post.
As ever, if you want to stay up to date with the latest blog posts, don't forget to follow via Google Friend Connect (button on sidebar), on NetworkedBlogs, via Email (maximum of one email per day), on Facebook and Google+ or by subscribing to our blog feed at:
You can also follow me on Twitter @djones1509, Google+ and on Facebook at:
Until my next post on Monday on online security for the small business, have a fabulous weekend! See you back here on Monday!
© 2013. This article is DMCA protected. Republication is prohibited.
The social media sites are constantly expanding with already 850 million users of Facebook per month and 500 million users of Google+. We have reached the last quarter of 2013 now and saw several significant changes in the social media marketing strategies. In the process of trying to keep up with these changes, we have learnt a number of effective social media marketing techniques.
Here are enlisted some of the most effective techniques for social media marketing which should be used in 2013.
- Visual Marketing: Marketing as a whole is heading towards becoming visual increasingly, and you need to incorporate visual elements in your social media marketing techniques. While posting relevant pictures and graphics, make sure that you embed the text as well as your business information. The most widely used way of posting in social sites like Facebook, is pictures. Facebook has around 350 million picture uploads each day. When others are sharing your pictures, you have an opportunity to show them your link of website and other relevant information.
- Usage of Your Analytics: Your analytics need to be reviewed regularly to check out whether something is working or not. You can also find out if the followers are visiting a particular site greater than the others. You can discover the exact time when your pages get maximum visitors. Observe the results carefully and try to find the reasons behind such phenomena. Utilize the knowledge you gain to get the desired results.
- Usage of Slideshare: Slideshare is a social site that has been predicted as the fastest growing site in 2013. This site allows you the sharing of your professional presentations with huge number of people irrespective of their industry or location. You can even share videos, PDFs and documents. If you have a hunger for knowledge, visit this site and get inspired from the works of people around the world.
- Usage of Google+: This year, businesses should be present in Google+. In 2013, Google+ rose above Twitter and became the second largest social network having 343 million users. In spite of the fact that the site lacks a few powers of some other social sites, Google+ is Google's central part and from the perspective of SEO, you should become a part of this site.
- Usage of Fewer Social Sites: Using more social sites does not always bring the desired results in case of social media marketing. Take some time to research and find out which particular social sites are proper for your company, business or brand. It is always better to focus your efforts of marketing to a few numbers of good social sites. This would result in your message being spread more effectively as compared to when you use too many social sites. Take time to prepare yourself well and then participate successfully in those few social sites. It is vital to create a strong presence on those specific sites that deliver, instead of wasting time while trying to dominate all the sites.
Social media marketing grows with each year. You need to cope with the changing trends to keep up your business with the changes. The year 2013 has seen the above mentioned trends in social media marketing strategies. Following these techniques would help your business to be ahead of your competitors.
Summary: Social media marketing strategies are subjected to many changes with the changing time. It is important for businesses to follow the updated techniques to stand out of the crowd.
About The Author: Myke Thomas is a proficient writer. His articles are highly informative and useful for the readers.
Did you find this article helpful? Please let Myke and myself know by leaving us your valued comments in the comments section below.
Would you like to guest post on the blog? Please use the Contact tab above to get in touch if you write business-related articles or articles on the topics of Internet Marketing, Affiliate Marketing, Social Media Marketing/Optimisation (SMO), Blogging, Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) or Search Engine Marketing (SEM).
Related articles:
How Facebook And Twitter Can Help Reach Your Target Audience
Traditional Marketing vs. Social Media Marketing For Beginners
5 Tips On Reaching Out To More Social Media Users
How To Expose Your Business With Social Media
Social Media Marketing: Are You Effective Or Obnoxious?
Engaging Consumers Through Social Media
Social Media Day Meet-ups: How Can They Work For You
5 Do's And 5 Don'ts In Social Media
Building Your Business With Social Media
The 10 Basic Rules Of Social Media Marketing
Top 14 Benefits Of Social Media Marketing
How To Use Facebook For Your Small Business
9 Tips For More Effective Facebook Marketing
For more business tips plus helpful articles on marketing your business on social media, use the following links:
If you found this or any of my other posts helpful, don't forget to share the posts to your favourite networks using the toolbar below or by using the "+1" and "Share" buttons located at the bottom of each post.
As ever, if you want to stay up to date with the latest blog posts, don't forget to follow via Google Friend Connect (button on sidebar), on NetworkedBlogs, via Email (maximum of one email per day), on Facebook and Google+ or by subscribing to our blog feed at:
You can also follow me on Twitter @djones1509, Google+ and on Facebook at:
Until my next post on Monday on online security for the small business, have a fabulous weekend! See you back here on Monday!
© 2013. This article is DMCA protected. Republication is prohibited.
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