Monday 18 October 2010

Free Internet Marketing Guidebook

While online, I'm always on the lookout for good marketing resources and freebies to offer my readers. Recently, I discovered a Free Internet Marketing Guidebook from Infusionsoft which I think you'll find extremely useful. Here's a bit more info...

Infusionsoft have been in the small business world for quite some time and they know what it takes to grow a business. So, to help fellow entrepreneurs, they've compiled a guidebook of things you can do to improve your Internet marketing and get your business on the path to business growth.

As you read the guidebook, you'll discover:

  • How you can make your website more effective
  • Easy ways to drive traffic to your site
  • How to capture and target-market new leads
  • Strategies to perfect your email marketing
  • And a whole lot more

Everything you learn from the guidebook can be implemented today. This is a great resource for anyone hoping to capture more leads, close more sales and get repeat business. Click here to get your free guidebook.

To compliment the guidebook, Infusionsoft have compiled a Free Email Marketing 2.0 Report. In this free 5-page report, you'll discover how to close more sales, get repeat business and build lasting, profitable relationships with your contacts using email marketing. Click here to get your free report.



  1. The internet marketing guidebook is a good read. I have learned new ideas and information about effective ways on how to market my website.

    White Label SEO

  2. I think that this guide book can definitely help SEO specialists learn more about internet marketing. I should definitely consider reading it. Thanks.

  3. Hey thanks for this. I can learn a thing or two from this ebook about internet marketing. I recommend this one to all levels of internet marketeers.


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