
Tuesday 21 May 2013

Your Blogging Reputation Is At Stake

Blogging Reputation
It doesn't matter if you blog to put food on the table or if you do it for fun. Either way, you've likely dedicated a lot of time and effort into creating a stellar reputation as a top-notch blogger - a reputation that you need to protect.

If you've mastered the art of blogging, but have no idea how to maintain your glowing image, here are a few tips:

  1. Remember that "more" isn't better

    Don't flood your blog with mediocre content. Your audience wants quality posts, not a barrage of humdrum material. It is better to create awesome content once a week than foist a daily dose of drivel upon your dedicated followers. Nothing kills your blogging reputation faster than crappy content.

  2. Choose guest bloggers with care

    If you allow guest bloggers to post on your site, make sure their material is share-worthy. Cut and paste regurgitations, content that reads like a sedative, and poorly written gobbledygook will make you and your blog look bad - tarnishing your pristine reputation.

  3. Monitor your press

    Bing, Google, and Yahoo your name regularly to see what they are saying about you. If you blog for your company, monitoring search engines should become a regular part of your online business management routine.

    The most popular search engines also offer alerts that will let you know every time there is a new post pertaining to you. Hopefully, these new posts are positive - but if they aren't, you will now be able to respond quickly.

    If you are a guest blogger, make sure that you request e-mail alerts whenever someone makes a comment on your post. WordPress blogs usually have an RSS feed for post comments; you just have to grab that feed and put it into your RSS feed reader. This will enable you to reply to your readers, which lets them know that they are valued. There is nothing more annoying than someone who wants to be heard, but won't hear others. Don't be that person.

  4. Be yourself - unless you are boring

    Choose topics that inspire you. If you hate knitting, don't write about it - unless it's a post about why you hate knitting. It's hard to compose quality work if you really don't care about your topic. And it's doubly hard to write an informative piece about something that you don't understand. Wasting your reader's time with meaningless fluff will hurl your blogging reputation into an irrecoverable nosedive.

    It is equally important that you write in your own voice - unless, of course, that voice is borderline illiterate or lulls your audience into a comatose state. But, if you have chosen to blog, you likely don't suffer from either of those impediments - so be yourself.

  5. Be a "follower"

    Actively follow and support other bloggers that you admire. Not only can you learn a great deal about your craft, but you will also create a valuable network of blogging friends. Encourage other bloggers with comments and "likes" - and they will repay the favor. They may even re-blog your posts, exposing you to an even larger audience. Generous bloggers enjoy much greater success than those who blog in a bubble. And generosity definitely boosts one's blogging reputation.

Your reputation as a blogger is one of your most valuable assets and you need to work to protect it. Creating high quality material, keeping an eye on what others are saying about you, and engaging in a tad bit of "sucking up" will go a long way towards fostering and maintaining a first class blogging image. And sometimes you might have to make a guest blogger cry.

About The Author: Kimberley Laws is a freelance writer and avid blogger. Her blogs are her "babies" and she welcomes any advice that will help her protect her "babies" and her blogging reputation.

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  1. Nice post with great tips Kimberley. I especially like tip #5 as actively following and supporting other bloggers will in fact produce positive results.

    1. Thank you for your comments, Andrew. I agree. The best way to create a legion of loyal fans is to become one, yourself. Happy Blogging!

  2. Very sound and actionable advice for bloggers. Thanks fo this!

    1. Thank you so much for your comments, Tameka. We bloggers really need to work together to help each other navigate the ever-changing world of blogging.

  3. Great advice Kimberly, deleted spammy comments is one I wish I knew in the beginning as well as more doesn't=better.

  4. I agree, Lisa. My early blogs resembled someone with verbal diarrhea! Thankfully, I finally learned that less=more rule. Although it is still a challenge to stick to it.

  5. Thanks for sharing these great tips.

  6. Wonderful advice for beginning bloggers!

    Courtney Fisher


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