
Thursday 1 September 2011

Blogger Launches New User Interface

The popular blogging platform Blogger have officially rolled-out the new user interface to all of it's users.

In a post by Chang Kim, Product Manager on Blogger Buzz: "It's been a few years since we made major updates to Blogger's look and feel, and there's a lot more to these changes than just shiny new graphics. We've rewritten the entire editing and management experience from scratch so it's faster and more efficient for you - and easier for us to update and improve over time."

Mr Kim continues to say: "Throughout the design process, we conducted user interviews to help identify how to make Blogger even easier and more enjoyable to use. We also watched users try our new interface and made many refinements based on their feedback."

Here's a screenshot of Blogger's new post editor which has been expanded and simplified to give a larger canvas for drafting and previewing work.

Blogger's New Post Editor

This new streamlined interface which has been in draft for the past few months (see Relevant articles below) is clean, easy to navigate and most importantly, has good statistics reporting showing recent traffic numbers, comment activity and follower counts.

If you're using Blogger to host your blog, you can choose to update to the new interface immediately via a pop-up announcement that will appear on your Dashboard. If you decide not to update immediately, you can always update to the new interface at a later date by clicking on "Try the updated Blogger interface" on the top-right of your Dashboard.

Note: I have updated the post: Have You Backed Up Your Blog? with information on how to backup your blog on this new interface.

I personally like the new interface but what's your thoughts?

Related articles:
Google Plus, Facebook Chat & Blog News
Google Profiles Gone Secure & Blogger Getting A Facelift

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Until my next post, enjoy the rest of the week!


  1. Hi, Derek!
    Thanks for this update! I was using Blogger in Draft before this rollout (same platform, beta-esque).

    I found that I could not add labels that had an apostrophe in them. So I reverted to the older platform.

    Do you happen to know if they've fixed this yet? Otherwise I really liked the interface. But my most commonly-used label has an apostrophe in it.

  2. This might be a bug Sheila. It may be a good idea to submit this problem to Blogger. You can do this on the new interface by clicking on the gear icon in the top-right of the navigation bar and selecting "Send Feedback."

  3. I hadn't even realised there was a new interface. Will investigate it.


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